So, here we are again. It always feels like Monday comes around too soon. Each week seems to go quicker than the last. Curse this mortal coil! No bother, it just means it’s time to do yet another roundup of the top 100 albums of the week.
Each week it seems like people are more and more inclined to claim previous weeks in music were better than the current week. By doing these lists we aim to prove that modern music can be just as good as the classics. Sure, there have been some unbelievable weeks in the past. March 8th-15th, 2015 (Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly, Madonna - Rebel Heart). June 23rd-29th, 1997 (Ween - The Mollusk, Insane Clown Posse - The Great Milenko). Sure. No one is saying these weren’t great weeks. They were! But if you were to do a deep dive into the current week’s worth of music, there’s loads of great stuff.
Below you’ll find a concise list of the best 100 albums that came out this week. If you were ever in doubt that modern music can still be awesome, look no further.

100. Royal Blood - Back To The Water Below
This album actually fucking sucks. I mean come on, it’s 100 albums. In a week. That’s so many. They can’t all be good!

99. Polaris - Fatalism
I’ve not actually heard this yet but I think it’s doing well on RYM. Honestly I’ve had quite a busy week. This isn’t even like a staff picks thing where each person picks albums and then numbers are attributed based on where everyone put which album and… no, this is literally just me. I mean, 100 albums is so fucking many. I’m gonna try and get round to listening to more of these but it’s pretty hard.

98. Jeff Rosenstock - HELLMODE
I love Jeff Rosenstock but honestly I’ve not had a chance to listen to this yet. It’s probably good. I think I’ve liked all their other stuff. Like I would even know. I’ve got a terrible memory and they must’ve made like 6 other albums. They made a ska album for Christ sakes. I guess it isn’t that many in the grand scheme of things but it’s not like it was in the old days. I don’t have any time anymore. Between the day job and the hangovers, my life is a fucking mess. Most of the music doesn’t even hit me the same as it used to. I don’t know when I’ll get the chance to listen to this.

97. Speedy Ortiz - Rabbit Rabbit
I haven’t even listened to the Royal Blood album. I just said it was shit because I saw that video recently of them shouting at the crowd and everyone told me people on Twitter were saying it was cringe. I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about anymore. I used to have opinions. I used to have feelings. I used to feel like music ran through my blood. And what’s left now? There’s just so much stuff and so little time. I’m probably just as bad as Royal Blood, and I don’t even really know what they did.

96. Sprain - The Lamb As Effigy
Ok, so this album is actually awesome. I did listen to the single that came out for this, Man Proposes, God Disposes. Maybe a contender for the song of the year? It really was epic. Of course, I’ve not really listened to so much this year. I’ve moved house recently which can be fairly time consuming. Why does life have to be so monotonous? My mum is trying to sell her house at the minute. She needs to do it up a bit first. Probably get round to putting it on the market around January. I’ve heard it can take quite a while to go though, I imagine she’ll be there another year. Really the mortgage is too expensive though. Everything is just fucking relentless.

95. Jeff Rosenstock - HELLMODE
Ok, so this album is actually awesome. Oh fuck, I already put this one on the list. And now you can see my pathetic attempt at lying as well, since I already disclosed to you I haven’t heard it yet. 100 albums is so many though. Surely we’re in, like, the 70s now?

94. Hey Colossus - In Blood
Is that it? 94? Jesus Christ. My wrist hurts. I can’t believe we said we would commission artists to do drawings of every single band we cover in these lists. I mean, 100 in a week is ridiculous. Every week. 100 commissions every fucking week. We’ll be bankrupt by Wednesday. I’m scrapping that, the artists can go hungry. This is absurd, I really don’t want to think of any more bands. It feels like the musical matrix in my head will explode. I miss being a teenager. Fuck it, we’ll just skip ahead a bit.

2. Ween - The Mollusk
The second best album of the week is The Mollusk by Ween. This album is actually an anomaly on the list, as those with a keen eye will note it came out on June 24th 1997. What a great fucking week, man. Critics will maybe find this a strange placement on the list then. Some would argue it shouldn’t be on the list at all. But the album was a game-changer for these underdogs of the underground, and what better way to celebrate it. It may not have come out this week, but by God, it’s one of the only albums I had the mental energy to bother listening to this week, and for that reason, it deserves its place in the number two spot.

1. Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly
In conclusion, either the old stuff is better, or maybe it’s just better being young. I don’t have a fucking clue. I’m 26 years old and my bones already feel like shit. I’ve had tonsillitis 4 times this year. I’m falling apart at the seams. 100 Albums is so fucking many. It doesn’t matter. Anyway, see you all again next Monday for the top 100 albums of that week. I’ll try and get round to listening to a few of them next time, but to be fair, my dad might be coming up to visit and that’s just gonna be a massive headfuck anyway, so I’ll probably be in a mood most of the week and just sit around in bed watching YouTube shorts.
Have you got a favourite album from this week? Let us know! Come into the venue and tell Aidan Shard on the bar your favourite 100 albums of the week, and you could win a free toilet pass for the evening!